Categories Eventsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Romain Virgo and wife expecting third child

Chalk up another one for reggae singer Romain Virgo and his wife, Elizabeth, who are….EXPECTING. The couple who already share twin daughters who announced their arrival in January 2020. Virgo’s wife, Elizabeth, made the announcement via her official Instagram page. “So unexpected, but…to God be the Glory, great things he has done,” she said while […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment NewsEventsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures


Incarcerated dancehall artiste Shawn Storm shared a heartbreaking reel via his Instagram account that showed the stark reality of the squalid living conditions of prison life in the General Penitentiary. The post was captioned: “God nah mek mi spend a next year Ina Dem place yah” #Kingstonice #FreedomStreet #FreeVybzKartel #FreeShawnStorm. With a song called ‘Kingston […]

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Despite the brouhaha over the cost of the 12 Sky VEW suites that were available for the Chris Brown’s ‘Under The Influence’ concert at the national stadium in Kingston on August 27, all have been sold out. Two weeks ago, when the organisers announced the early bird ticket prices which cost approximately J$1.5 million, Jamaicans […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment NewsEventsjamaica smut stories

Valiant and Kabaka square off over ‘Rasta’

It seems that “rasta a joke ting right now inna Jamaica”. Those were the words of The Kalling Grammy winner during a spat with current star-of-the-moment Valiant. Ten days ago, Valiant appeared to slight the Rastafarian community with his music video and song titled “Rasta” during which Valiant sings the hook, “Man a live like […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment NewsEventsjamaica smut storiesMusic

Neka Leslie teams up with Busy Signal for ‘African Girl’

US-based fusion artiste Neka Leslie is confident that her collaboration, ‘African Girl’ with international dancehall star Busy Signal will facilitate her breakthrough in the international music industry. “This song is for all the beautiful black women across the world. It’s a celebration of our beauty, our African heritage, and our unique qualities. We are black […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsEventsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Man armed with knife killed during attempted bank robbery in BNS Mobay

An unidentified man who attempted to rob a bank in Montego Bay, St James was shot and killed by a security guard on duty this morning. Reports are that about 8:50 am a man, armed with a knife, walked into the Scotiabank in the historic Sam Sharpe Square in Montego Bay and ordered tellers to […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment NewsEventsModelsUncategorized

Bunny Wailer’s family unable to pay $5.27 million hospital bill

One month after Bunny Wailer’s passing, the family has still not been able to get his death certificate owing to unpaid hospital bills. Members of the late icon’s family have complained to the media that the family has been unable to settle the bill, and that if their father’s affairs were being managed in the […]

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Categories Entertainment NewsEventsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Clarks pays homage to Jamaica

Popular footwear brand Clarks is paying homage to its Jamaican supporters by releasing a limited-edition Jamaican collection of the boot. The move to finally engage Jamaican artists has been viewed by many Jamaicans as being long overdue, as Clarks has been an all-time favorite of the nation’s Reggae and Dancehall artists, who glorified and immortalized […]

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