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Rygin King slapped with gun charges in New York

Just days after his Recovery album launch, Trap King artiste Rygin King was reportedly arrested by police in New York and slapped with a gun charge. The deejay was reportedly slapped with several charges after an illegal firearm was found in a vehicle in which he was travelling. Some of the charges include criminal possession […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Rygin King sells 750 copies of ‘Therapy’ album

DancehallMag is reporting that Rygin King’s debut album Therapy has sold 750 copies in pure album sales, during its first week of release in the United States. The 11-track project has picked up 1,500 units in the US over its lifetime (including pre-released tracks), according to data provided to DancehallMag from Billboard’s sales tracker Luminate. […]

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Categories Entertainment News

Rygin King shines with Inna Mi Mind

Dancehall star Rygin King has released a new song, Inna Mi Mind as a precursor to his heavily anticipated album later this year. “Mi ah still ‘Dancehall’s Baddest Ting‘, mi just a ketch back the flame, we no gone nowhere, ah just one king, any other king, a muss a napkin,” a confident Rygin King […]

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Categories Entertainment NewsUncategorized

Rygin King is not paralyzed; Deejay regains feeling in legs

The deejay is not paralyzed, I cannot go into specifics about his medical condition, but the deejay is responding favourably to treatment and he has tingling and has feeling in his legs, and is responding to stimulus in his lower legs and extremities. We want people to stop the rumour-spreading and speculation about the deejay’s health at this time,” a source close to the deejay said.

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Categories Entertainment News

Rygin King completes successful operation on road to recovery

Dancehall artiste Rygin King is reportedly “recuperating well” following another successful surgery performed by top flight surgeons in the Corporate Area.  “Rygin King did an important and very sensitive operation last Wednesday. The surgery was performed at an undisclosed location in the Corporate Area, and now he is recuperating well. He has a far way to […]

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