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BLITZ ready to blast off on March 31 at Sugarman’s Beach in Portmore

Promoter Vivian Thomas is pumped up about the first edition of his beach party, Blitz: Sexy Edition at Sugarman’s Beach on March 31st. The party will also feature performances from dancehall acts 1Tahly, Baby Lawd. “The concept of Blitz is as simple as going back to the days of a great beach party at Hellshire […]

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Categories Entertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Michael ‘Ibo’ Cooper is dead at 71

Just two weeks after the death of his beloved wife, Joy, Ibo Cooper of Third World fame has passed on. He was 71 years old. Olivia Grange, Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, expressed sadness at the passing of “one of Jamaica’s iconic musicians”. “I wish to express my condolences to his children Arianne, […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

FREE UP THE DEEJAY! Mad Cobra released from prison!

Veteran dancehall deejay Mad Cobra has exited the Florence County detention centre, has learned. A check with the government website showed that the Flex deejay was “released to the street”. The was granted bail in the sum of US$125,000 on drug and gun possession charges He was arrested after a routine traffic stop in […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

DYING TO LOOK GOOD: Will Spice emerge from coma in Dom Rep? Sister says ‘Spice is O.K…getting stronger and stronger’

Dancehall queen Spice is still in a medically-induced coma in the Dominican Republic after experiencing post-op complications, and as her ordeal goes on, her younger sister and medical staff are huddled around her bedside, praying that she emerges out of her comatose state. Checks with family members did not reveal much. “People have tried to […]

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Categories abena newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

OD Obviously Different rocks the reggae massive with ‘Fyah’

With a stage name like OD Obviously Different, you know that this reggae artiste seeks to be outstanding inall that he touches. He is getting a lot of kudos for being the executive producer of the critically regarded Holy45 projectwhich is reportedly doing well in Europe. OD Obviously Different leads out with the project with […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Protoje debuts at #8 on Billboard Reggae albums chart

Dancehall Mag is reporting that reggae singer Protoje’s latest album Third Time’s The Charm has debuted at No. 8 on the Billboard Reggae Albums chart. Released via In.Digg.Nation Collective in partnership with RCA Records, the album has sold 710 units in sales and streaming in the United States during its first week of release, according […]

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Reggae Public Relations – Claude Mills 18763951518

One of the top reggae publicists in Jamaica, Claude Mills is a virtual tour de force when it comes to generating a buzz in the entertainment industry. Claude Mills is a news journalist for DancehallMag based in Jamaica. In 1998, Claude Mills won his first Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ) award for an article he […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusicNews

I really hate Lifetime TV

I HATE Lifetime television.    After all, it`s just an oestrogen channel with lots of hair spray andshampoo mixed with a noxious stew of emotions. Lifetime takes women’sneuroses, fears and insecurities, and fashion melodramas and show them infull Technicolor. Further, most men are demonised by Lifetime. Men are either impotent, woman beaters, child molesters, stalkers, […]

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