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Diana King chops off her breasts; singer Brian Hart says “hope they didn’t go to waste…nuff hungry dog deh a road”

Jamaican hitmaker Diana King has lopped off her breasts in her bid to “get something off her chest”. The Jamaican singer took to social media yesterday to reveal that she has parted ways with her breasts and showed the world her new flat-chested upper body. King’s announcement comes months after she revealed that she would […]

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Categories abena newsGossip & RumoursModelsReviews

JEALOUSY – that green eye’d bitch

By Claude Mills: Staff Reporter Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it † LaRochefoucald. Last week, I was home watching the talk show programme, Maury, which forthat episode, focused on the violent experiences of women who had beenkilled or maimed by their lovers and ex-husbands. I dont normally watch […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment NewsModelsReviews

Abihail Myrie will make herself available to the police tomorrow

Abihail Myrie, the daughter of the reggae star Buju Banton, has accused the Grammy winning artist of trying to strangle her in the wake of the wide circulation of a missing persons report which she labelled a “lie”. Her lawyer has said that she will make herself available to the cops tomorrow to dispel claims […]

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Categories abena newsjamaica smut storiesModelsOne 876 GirlsOne 876 Girlsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

A Jamaican woman dies in NJ mass shootings

A Jamaican woman has been numbered as one of the two fatalities of Saturday’s mass shooting at a house party in New Jersey, United States. The deceased has been identified as 25-year-old Asia Hester, a healthcare staffer of Gouldtown in New Jersey. Her Facebook page said she was from Kingston, Jamaica. Family members described Hester […]

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Categories abena newsEntertainment NewsGossip & RumoursModelsMusic

Sharrie impresses with ‘Danger in Your Eyes’ featuring Gyptian

Dancehall hardcore deejay Sharrie is promoting her latest single, Danger in Your Eyes, featuring Gyptian. Released on the Voiceful Records imprint last year, the song has been steadily gaining favour with disc jockeys and has popped up on a lot of reggae street mixes recently.  “The song just suddenly caught momentum is playing a lot on IRIE […]

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