Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Breeze Genah drops ‘Air Force 1’ sneaker tribute

Dancehall youngblood Breeze Genah dropped his ode to Nike’s Air Force One sneakers in a rhyme-happy single, ‘Air Force 1’ featuring fellow dancehall artiste Aiden. “The early feedback has been great, people are really loving the video. Air Force Ones are an iconic brand, Nelly did a song with it, Kartel and his son did […]

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Categories Entertainment News

Tems does cover of Bob Marley classic for Wakanda Forever

Nigerian Afrobeats singer Tems is lighting up social media with her rendition of Bob Marley’s ‘No Woman No Cry’ in Marvel Studios’ first teaser trailer for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which debuted on Saturday at San Diego Comic-Con. NBA basketball player Lebron James and several other black entertainment icons reposted the 2-minute teaser with the […]

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Categories abena newsBreaking NewsGossip & Rumoursjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Bounty Killer mad after Ishawna sits in his face

So Bounty Killer got hopping mad this week when Ishawna sat down on his face, oops, a cardboard cutout of his face while onstage at Reggae Sumfest this weekend. Bounty Killer, and others, when it was first released in 2017. Killer had threatened to ‘rush’ (interrupt) Ishawna if she performed the song at a concert […]

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Categories Gossip & Rumoursjamaica smut storiesMusicx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Where are all the good women?

Is there a lady in the house? Woman was God’s second mistake – Nietzsche CLAUDE MILLS/ONE876 EDITOR I love a good catfight. Remember the Linda Evans and Joan Collinshair-pulling, nail-scratching, thigh-exposing fights on the ’80s soap,Dynasty? I got a real charge out of watching those fights during mysex-starved early adolescence, especially one famous one that […]

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