Categories Entertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Usain Bolt hits Billboard top ten

Sprint king Usain Bolt made a major top ten debut in the Billboard Reggae charts this week when his collaborative album Country Yutes, co-produced by his long-time friend Nugent “NJ” Walker, debuted at number six. The set sold 1,651 in pure album sales in its first week. The 14-track set released September 3 via the […]

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Categories Breaking Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Bolt runs to Sha’Carri’s defence

Olympic Champion and music producer Usain Bolt says he thinks the rivalry between Jamaica and the USA in Track And Field is good for the sport. Even with many detractors saying Richardson needs to prove herself and let go of the hype at least for now, the man regarded as the greatest sprinter of all […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newstopof876x rated jamaica videos and pictures

Popcaan disses Bolt about his creative choices

Dancehall artiste Popcaan has severely criticised Bolt’s latest decision to release a single, ‘Living The Dream by Bolt and his Executive Manager Nugent “NJ” Walker. The song was released on Saturday. Popcaan was harsh in his criticism and held nothing back. “Wid all due respect Legend, me feel like you fi just help up some […]

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