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RED CRIME, YELLOW TAPE Cane cutter cuts girlfriend’s throat in St. Catherine


A St. Catherine cane cutter slashed his girlfriend’s throat in a moment of madness and then turned himself in to the police.

Alicia Patience, a hairdresser and a resident of Lluidas Vale, St Catherine, is the latest woman who has been brutalized at the hands of a violent, savage male lover. Reports are that about 7 p.m., Patience was at home when the alleged murderer arrived and there was an argument and said suspect slashed her throat.

She was later pronounced dead at the hospital.

The incident happened at the couple’s board house in Dunfar home in Lluidas Vale, St Catherine Monday night. Patience is the mother of two boys.

Her body was reportedly discovered, face down, on her bed.

The cane cutter had killed a couple of parrots days earlier, a dark harbinger of things to come.

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