Categories Breaking Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Valiant and Offset link up….new collab?

Valiant recently linked up with Offset in Jamaica when the two stars bumped into each other last week at Romeich Entertainment’s Game Night in Kingston. The two briefly shared a conversation before posing for a photo op. Both Cardi B and Offset were in attendance at the alcohol-fuelled soiree, with the Atlanta rapper venturing into […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Mavado went ballistic after Messado’s attorney makes ‘civil’ suggestion

Prominent attorney-at-law Christopher Townsend has suggested that Mavado seek redress through the civil courts instead of the criminal courts in the $30 million fraud case against his client Jennifer Messado. On Tuesday, Mavado took to Instagram to share a screenshot of a Jamaica Observer headline, . “First thing Townsend and Messado should go to jail […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Popcaan disses Shaggy, calls him “a bitch”

Dancehall star Popcaan lambasted music insider Sharon Burke and dissed Shaggy during a tirade recorded on video which was widely circulated on social media today. “I am taking this opportunity to send a message to Sharon Burke and the not-so-solid agency. Ahhmm mi know exactly what oonu  do the other night at the stadium when oonu […]

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