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BLITZ ready to blast off on March 31 at Sugarman’s Beach in Portmore

Promoter Vivian Thomas is pumped up about the first edition of his beach party, Blitz: Sexy Edition at Sugarman’s Beach on March 31st. The party will also feature performances from dancehall acts 1Tahly, Baby Lawd. “The concept of Blitz is as simple as going back to the days of a great beach party at Hellshire […]

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Categories Entertainment News

Push a Yute hosts successful listening party for new albums

Push a Yute Entertainment label recently hosted a listening party for albums for two of its flagship artistes, dancehall deejay Al’Qual and poet Simone Dewar with an event held at the label’s Red Hills Road headquarters. The event featured live performances from acts such as Simone Dewar and Al’Qual which excited the small gathering. Industry […]

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Categories Entertainment News

Rich King Breezy threatens to ‘Lock City’ with #Richbadness

Dancehall artiste RichKing Breezy has solidified a decent underground following with his new song, ‘Lock City’ which has spawned a slang, ‘rich badness’ in the streets. The single, ‘Lock City’, was released three months ago and is generating a decent buzz online. What is “Richbadness”? “Richbadness is a lifestyle. One, I’m trying to get my […]

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