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Freddie McGregor to miss UB40 December tour as he recovers from stroke

Freddie McGregor may have to postpone his busy touring schedule. A few days ago, legendary reggae band UB40 released a vague announcement telling fans that the “Push Come to Shove’ singer would not be joining the tour. “To all our fans, our good friend Freddie McGregor will not be joining us on our December arena […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Tilibop steps out with pre-launch parties in New York-New Jersey area

Reggae artiste Tilibop is amping up promotions towards the official launch of his I Am Reggae album launch with a series of pre-launch live appearances in New York and New Jersey over the next three weeks. “This album is an instrument for social change and reggae is really vibrant now in New York. The reggae […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment News

Skillibeng wins Best Caribbean Music act at MOBO

Skillibeng is racking up the international accolades as he was named Best Caribbean Music Act at the 25th staging of the Music of Black Origin (MOBO) Awards on Wednesday. The other nominees in the category were Koffee, Spice, Popcaan, Shenseea and Sean Paul. The Best Caribbean Music Act category replaced the Best Reggae Act category.

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