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SHIZZLE! Elephant Man freed of immigration charges

Finally.  Dancehall star Elephant Man has been freed of immigration breaches which arose when authorities accused him of making a false declaration to Jamaican immigration officers two years ago. The court case was dropped when he appeared in the Kingston and St Andrew Parish Court in Half-Way-Tree on Tuesday.The incident happened during the height of […]

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More prison time for Jah Cure?

CLAUDE MILLS ONE876 EDITOR On Tuesday, the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service has lodged an appeal against Jah Cure’s acquittal for attempted murder, seeking to overturn his acquittal in the Netherlands Court of Appeals. “It will most likely be a matter of months before the case is on trial (being heard) again. Our office (of appeals) […]

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Industry reacts to SOJA’s win

CLAUDE MILLS/ ONE876 EDITOR Jamaicans reacted with anger and incredulity to news that SOJA, a predominantly all-white reggae band, had won this year’s Reggae Grammy with their album, ‘Beauty in the Silence’. Cooler heads within the reggae industry however believe that SOJA’s surprising victory is a fitting snapshot of an industry in tatters, and hence […]

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