Categories Entertainment News

AUTOPSY: Jodian Fearon had a hole in her heart

The completed post-mortem for Jodian Fearon, the woman who died after being denied access to health care has revealed that she died from heart failure. The post-mortem, which was to originally take place yesterday (Tuesday, April 28) was rescheduled to today to allow police investigators to complete their paperwork. Fearon, who would have turned 24 […]

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Categories Breaking News

Police terrorize citizens during curfew and government lockdowns

There have been numerous videos circulating online that show law enforcers instructing citizens, allegedly found in breach of the curfew hours (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) to perform strenuous activities like push-ups or sprints along roadways. One of the videos shows men forced to crawl over 50 feet on the hard gravel after they were […]

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