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Stefflon Don calls Jada Kingdom a “superfan” and declares victory in lyrical feud

Stefflon Don has proclaimed herself to be the winner of the battle she has been engrossed in with Jada Kingdom for almost a week. The artiste whose real name is Stephanie Victoria Allen, shared a screenshot of messages she had reportedly exchanged with Jada in 2019, before it was deleted. Stefflon’s caption suggested that Jada […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Stefflon Don claps back with Dead Gyal Walking

Wait! Hold your horses! The clash is not over. Well, at least, somebody forgot to tell Stefflon Don. HATE IS NATURE’S MOST PERFECT ENERGY SOURCE. It is safe to say Stefflon Don must hate Jada Kingdom to say the shit she is saying about her on this latest salvo. The Hurting Me singer pulled no […]

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