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Kiprich recovers Rolex, chain after Portmore robbery

The police’s Corporate Communications Unit has confirmed that Kiprich has regained possession of his Rolex and other items just days after a robbery had left the Mad Sick Head No Good artiste scratching his head in frustration. Kiprich collected his chain and Rolex at the Constant Spring Tax Office in St Andrew from a bus […]

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Categories Breaking Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Kiprich robbed of US$25k Rolex watch

A burglar made off with over US$39,000 worth of jewellery belonging to Kiprich on Saturday. Among the valuables was a watch, a two-tone Rolex is worth US$25K. A two-tone Rolex watch typically features gold and stainless steel, but any combination of two different metals used to create a watch is considered two-tone. The Telephone Ting […]

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Categories Breaking News

Kiprich lands endorsement deal with KISS

Dancehall artiste Kiprich has landed a major endorsement deal as one of his songs ‘Assurance’, has been used in a television commercial for the launch of the new Rouge Cordless Flat Iron by US-Korean beauty giant, KISS. Kiprich made the announcement via his Instagram pages earlier this week saying: “Good production is the key because […]

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