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Sliq One teams up with Overproof Records for the gem, Stronger Than Before

Asa ‘Ace’ Smith, the CEO of Overproof Records Ltd, is excited about the label’s latest project, an inspirational gem of a song called Stronger Than Before by emerging Montego Bay-based artiste, Sliq One. “I saw the vision, and executed it exactly the way I wanted. I know there are a lot of negatives in our music right […]

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Overproof Records Ltd. to release Kickback riddim on May 7

Asa ‘Ace’ Smith, the chief executive officer of Overproof Records Ltd. is amped up about the release of his label’s latest riddim project, Kickback. The five-song compilation album will be released on May 7, 2021. Smith said the project was engineered to bring comfort and joy to those who are confined and suffering during the […]

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