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Sliq One teams up with Overproof Records for the gem, Stronger Than Before

Asa ‘Ace’ Smith, the CEO of Overproof Records Ltd, is excited about the label’s latest project, an inspirational gem of a song called Stronger Than Before by emerging Montego Bay-based artiste, Sliq One. “I saw the vision, and executed it exactly the way I wanted. I know there are a lot of negatives in our music right […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Lisa Hyper admitted to UHWI

Dancehall artiste Lisa Hyper has been admitted to the University Hospital of the West Indies in a stable condition. The Sculpture singer has been quite unwell for some time. As a result of her illness, she has been forced to miss a number of contracted dancehall events such as Fyah in Da Ville alongside Skeng, […]

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