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Jamaicans can no longer seek asylum by crossing US-Mexico border

Read up Jamaicans! The ting change pon yu now! President Joe Biden has announced an executive action which will ban asylum seekers who cross the US-Mexico border illegally.

The new executive action bars migrants who cross the border illegally from seeking asylum, once a daily threshold is met.

The measure could be turned on and off and would be lifted when there’s a daily average of fewer than 1,500 encounters between ports of entry.

The action is set to take effect at midnight.

The move is an attempt to address one of Biden’s most urgent political problems in his re-election push.

Trump’s campaign team have criticised Biden’s action.

Immigration is one of the key voter issues ahead of November’s presidential election, and both Democrats and Republicans are seeking to prove their credentials on the topic.

The executive action comes just weeks before the first debate between the president and his opponent, former President Donald Trump.

At least one advocacy group says it will sue the Biden administration over its new executive action.

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