Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsjamaica smut storiesx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Surrey Police in the UK respond to racist attack of black girl

An investigation is underway after a teenager was injured following a violent altercation in Ashford on Monday, 6 February. Police were called following reports of a fight between a group of girls on the junction of Salcombe Road and Stanwell Road at around 2.30pm. The victim has had her welfare confirmed and been spoken to […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment Newsx rated jamaica videos and pictures

Vegas and Bounty Killer feud deepens online

The war of words between Bounty Killer and Mr. Vegas boiled over into a lyrical one recently with the two artistes releasing two songs each. Bounty Killer started off hostilities with a song called ‘Watch Yu Mouth where he declared ‘fish body wash up on the beach’. He posted the song on IG and made […]

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