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Style X makes huge comeback with ‘Gal Clowna Virus’

Dancehall artiste Style X a.k.a the Fatty Boss has made a triumphant return to Dancehall. For several years, he took a self-imposed sabbatical from the music industry because he “was dealing with some family business”. However, with the expiration of his previous contract with Claims Records, he is getting back in the Dancehall Game with […]

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Categories Breaking NewsEntertainment NewsMusic

Alkaline fails to grab top prize, and nosedives on the second week on Billboard

Dancehall star Alkaline had a precipitous fall out of the Top 10 of the Billboard Reggae Albums chart after his Top Prize album debuted on the chart one week ago. Alkaline’s nosedive mirrors the experience of most dancehall acts who often see a big drop off in sales in the second week. Top Prize, the […]

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